Domains Names

3 possible Domain Names


Classmate Discussion

As I was talking with my classmates about my domain names, I thought about how I could explain my domain name ideas to people who don't know about what kind of website it is. The main objectives that i wanted in my domain name is something to do with clothing or fashion, to make it obvious that it was a fashion website. The other objective I wanted added, was the concept that my website will help people be less late because the website will help style them in seconds. I talked about these ideas with my classmatesand and they were mostly on board. A few critiques for my ideas are to keep the names simple and straightforward so hat it's easily searchable. Also, to have a trensy name or something that has to do with rhyming/illiteration.

My favorite domain name

Ultimately, I think I want to choose the domain name "" because it's catchy and it plays on the phrase "fashionably late". I think it's ironic when people are trying to be fashionably late to events, meetings, and school. Being late is never fashionable. Instead, doing the opposite of being fashionably early or on time is a fun play on words and is straightforward. I believe that the name is also easy to spell and remember which will help the process go by better.