Six Thinking Hats


After learning about the six hats theory, i have come to a better undertstanding about the different perspectives to my semester project. The issue that I would like to help resolve with my website is tardiness and insecurity in fashion choices. My website would help people who are consistenetly late beause they are deciding what to wear last minuite. By taking each of the six thinking hats into consideration, I am ensuring that I covered all perspectives for a better user experience. Each of the six hats cover a different area or topic of an idea, showing which areas need to be improved on. After talking with my classmates, I have discovered that I need to work on management and researching information to create the best website it could be.

Six Hats Discussion:

1. White Hat: The information I have right now involves some research on how other similar websites are working and organized. I don't have much information on whether or not tardiness is related directly to clothing insecurity, but I don't think that's a statistic I absolutely need for my website to work. However, some useful information that I could need is how users can easily understand and navigate my website such as organizing their closet or adding items. It would be useful to know if the website would actually help people make their lives easier and be less tardy but I would have to do some research testing.

2. Red Hat: I believe that I most strongly relate with the red hat of emotions because I usually think with my heart first. My intuition tells me that this fashion website will help people in ways they didnt think was possible. For instance, people's mental health is affected when they are stressed about things such as deciding what to wear for an event or the next day. People are stressed about being late to events and how they can make the best impression on people. Therefore, my website would help eliminate that fear and stress.

Black Hat My project may not work if people don't see any changes in their ability to save time in choosing outfits. Another worry I have is if the outfits generated by my website are not liked by the user. That would be my biggest weakness in this project and could defeat the whole purpose of the project. A problem I could face is if the user doesnt see a benefit from my website and are actually inconvenienced when they need to upload all their clothes to the closet section.

Yellow Hate I am very optimistic about my project because I think it's a good idea that would help solve a common issue. I believe that it would benefit people's lives by saving time in choosing outfits and indecision. I also think that it would help people gain more confidence in they style and feel less stressed when they know they can rely on my website to help them style their outfits as many times as they want.

Green Hat The creativity for this idea lies in the ability to generate numerous combinations of outfits for the user in seconds, using the items they uploaded into the closet. Some different approaches I have thought about is using AI to help generate outfits. Some other alternatives to this idea is having a pinterest like app where users save their favorite outfit ideas and base their outfit off of that.

Blue HatAs far as management goes, I have started working on the organization of the sections in my website such


After my discussion, my excecution on my project has changed. My classmate has given me some things to consider about my project. I want to try to use Ai or a generator of some sort to make countless combinations of outfits for the user. Also, an easier and more convenient way to upload photos of your clothes to the closet. I also need to consider a clear and simple way of organizing my website to make the user experience easier.